“I Was Disappointed with Modern Routers, So I’m Making My Own” – An Intriguing Talk by Tomaž Zaman

“I Was Disappointed with Modern Routers, So I’m Making My Own” – An Intriguing Talk by Tomaž Zaman

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Are you tired of those clunky, unimpressive routers that dominate the market? If you’ve ever wished for a router that’s community-driven, open source, and designed to meet your needs, you’re in for a treat. Tomaž Zaman, a passionate web developer and materials enthusiast, is about to unveil their groundbreaking project in an upcoming talk that promises to reshape the world of networking.

Meet Tomaž Zaman:

Born and raised in the heart of central Slovenia, Tomaž had a unique upbringing. Their parents owned an aluminum foundry, a business that he wasn’t too keen on as a teenager, thanks to the countless hours spent assisting. However, his journey took a fascinating twist when he pursued a degree in wood technology at the Biotechnical Faculty. It was during this time that Tomaž discovered a newfound love for web development, setting them on a path that would lead to the creation of Codeable, a WordPress outsourcing marketplace.

Through Codeable, Tomaž gained a profound appreciation for the WordPress community’s power and the way open source principles bring people together. But his journey was far from over. After leaving Codeable behind, Tomaž decided to combine his expertise in development and materials, giving birth to an innovative idea—an open router.

The Open Router Project:

In his talk, Tomaž will take you on a journey through the past two decades of being a hobby networking enthusiast. He’ll share his frustrations with the routers available in the market and how these disappointments led him to take matters into his own hands.

Tomaž’s vision is clear: he’s creating a router that’s primarily community-driven and as open source as possible (with a few exceptions to maintain a competitive edge). The whole journey is documented and shared on YouTube, providing valuable insights into the process.

What’s truly remarkable is that Tomaž Zaman has already secured the first round of financing, amounting to $194,000, and in just a month of announcing the project, the waitlist has already amassed a staggering 2,000 subscribers.

What to Expect in the Talk:

During the talk, Tomaž Zaman will delve into the shortcomings of modern routers, share his ideas for an “ideal” router, and discuss his innovative approach to solving the problem. It promises to be an engaging and enlightening discussion for anyone interested in technology, open source projects, or simply seeking a better router solution.

So, mark your calendars and get ready to join Tomaž Zaman on his quest to revolutionize routers.