Sponsorship Announcement – University Algebra

Sponsorship Announcement – University Algebra

Hey everyone,

We’re really excited to share some fantastic news with you today! The folks over at University Algebra from Zagreb have stepped up in a big way to support DORS/CLUC 2024. They’re not just sponsoring us; they’re also sharing their amazing conference space for our event. It’s kind of a big deal, and here’s why.

University Algebra is a name many of you might know. They’re all about pushing the envelope in education and technology, which resonates deeply with what we aim to do at DORS/CLUC. Their decision to partner with us feels right. It’s like finding a kindred spirit in our mission to spread knowledge and bring people together.

So, what does this mean for DORS/CLUC 2024? First off, we’ve got a venue! And not just any venue. We’re talking about a top-notch space that’s built to spark innovation and collaboration. This means more room for our workshops, talks, and those spontaneous conversations that lead to the next big idea. Plus, being in a space that’s all about learning and technology adds a special vibe to the event.

I want to say a huge thank you to University Algebra. This partnership is a game-changer for us. It’s a vote of confidence in what we’re trying to achieve and a boost to make this year’s DORS/CLUC the best one yet.

There’s more to come, and we can’t wait to share all the details with you as things unfold. This collaboration opens up so many doors for us to enhance the conference in ways we only dreamed of before.

Thanks to each and every one of you for your support and enthusiasm. It’s your energy and passion that make DORS/CLUC possible. With University Algebra’s partnership, we’re set to make this year’s event something truly special.

Let’s do this together!