Just don’t do it – Databases in Kubernetes

Just don’t do it – Databases in Kubernetes

May 16, 2024 from 10:40 am to 11:25 am

Speaker: Jan Karremans

You are not really crazy, are you? Running your beloved database in Kubernetes? This infrastructure is built to break and my database should not break! What actually is this Cloud Native nonsense? The latest and greatest marketing gig, let’s get out our buzzword-bingo cards!
Or… should we? Join me for an exploration of Cloud Native, Data on Kubernetes, why databases in containers make much sense, and why much of the fear is from a previous era. In this talk, you will see why more and more organizations look at Cloud Native infrastructures for deploying critical data workloads. You will explore options and opportunities for creating modern application architectures without having to fall into a split between your application and your back end.