Support DORS/CLUC and receive a digital name badge

Support DORS/CLUC and receive a digital name badge

As a special gift to everyone who already purchased or are going to purchase the DORS/CLUC Supporter Ticket in co-operation with Hyperglitch we are gifting a programmable name badge.

In true DORS/CLUC fashion this gadget is also open source and also certified as such under the registration number HR000116.

During the conference

Using the badge you will be able to play a cool short game, with details being shared on the day of the conference.

You can always reverse engineer the code and win the game by cheating :), the project is open source anyways.

If you already bought your ticket and would still like to get the gadget you will be able to donate and receive the gadget as a gift on the DORS/CLUC booth.

After the conference

You’re free to change, update, test, or play with the device as you see fit. Not only you have the device but you also have access to the source code and files.